This anime will be about a first year high school student named Niiya Teiichi of Seikyou Private Academy. One day he got lost inside one of the school's old buildings and meets a girl named Yuuko. Teiichi finds out later on that Yuuko is a ghost that has no memories of her past. He decides to help Yuuko piece back her memories and ends up creating the Paranormal Investigations club.
Story-wise the manga is pretty good. I mean, it's a horror romance manga. The plot centers on Yuuko who has lost memories and her developing relationship with Teiichi. Unlike other horror mangas that I have read this one really does scare me a bit. I think it's wholly because of the amazing art of the manga, dark tones and dialogue. The dialogue keeps you at the edge of your seat, anxious and suspenseful of what might happen next.
The art of the manga is simply amazing. I am not kidding. I don't know about you, but the art was initially what caught my eye when I saw this manga on From the characters to their clothes and to the backgrounds, the art is simply amazing.
I can't wait to see how Silver Link studios will animate this great manga.
Here's the PV of the anime to get you started.
If you can’t wait for the anime like me, you can jump the gun and start reading the manga. :D
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